Results of the Photobook Masterclass in Arles
by Lichtblick School and
Paco Mesa and Lola Marazuela 45
Photobook Dummies by
Christine Rose Divito • Yasutaka Kojima
Paco Mesa and Lola Marazuela • Wendy McMurdo
Claudia Rorarius • Josef Schulz
In this slideshow you can see the results of the intensive work during one week at the Photobook Masterclass in Arles with Markus Schaden, Wolfgang Zurborn, Nina Poppe, Frederic Lezmi and Tina Schelhorn. The whole process of producing a book dummy from reviewing the picture material, looking for the concept of the book, selecting and editing the images, finding the right title and the convincing cover was part of the workshop. We are very happy to present six very strong and personal book dummies, which were designed, printed and bound during the Photobook Masterclass in Arles.
Josef Schulz Poststructure
Wendy McMurdo Are You Talking To Me
Yasutaka Kojima Coming Back
Claudia Rorarius Leaving Else
Christine Rose Divito Out Of The Blue