
The Art of Making Photobooks

Workshop by Wolfgang Zurborn at Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence

8. - 10.12.2017

Elisa Peretti 009

Participating students:
Maria Rozalia Bellin • Lorenzo Bruchi • Teresa Bucca • Giulia del Sorbo
Riccardo di Giovanni • Elena Fabris • Giuseppe Guariglia
Sofia Leone • Matteo Lodolo • Elisa Peretti • Linda Ughi

showing results of the workshop

Matteo Lodolo Body Fusion

The photo book is the most original form of photographic expression. A collection of great photographs is not automatically a brilliant photo book. You need an intelligent concept and a feeling for a convincing edit of the photographs to create a personal statement about your perception of the world around you. The selection of the photographs, the dramaturgy of the series, the design and layout of the pages, the touch and feel of the cover and the paper and many other details have to point out the idea of a book to have a lasting effect on the viewer.

Teresa Bucca Back et Nunc


Giulia del Sorbo


Elena Fabris

In this workshop Wolfgang Zurborn gave some ideas and stimulations especially for the editing of images, for combining and sequencing photographs, so they can tell personal stories about the every day life. Its often a problem to follow too strict concepts without listening to the photographs and understanding the special nature of a photographic image in contrary to the written text. The target of the workshop was to get an understanding of the special grammar of images. That's one of the most important aspects for the art of making photo books.

Lorenzo Bruchi Simple Flowers


Linda Ughi


Sofia Leone


Riccardo di Giovanni Kalopsia